being let down, dissapointed, hurt. it sucks but this is what will make you stronger, get your power back and make you realize you didn’t need them anyway. you let them in and gave them power over you. even for a minute then they crush you. why? who do people do this? why do we let it happen to us. life lessons learned, I am not a doormat and I do not need you remember that I wanted you not needed and I will come back stronger and smarter then ever.once again thanks for wasting my time, my energy, my life. fuck off and I will heal without you.there is always beauty in pain, you grow and learn, and transform into an even better version of you. also who even reads my shitty little blog???
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1 Comment
Riley · June 9, 2021 at 2:40 pm
I read your blog. Its awesome. It’s shitty when people want to take your energy and peace. Build boundaries. Dont let people take away your magic
Love ya
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