your allowed to be scared ,terrified even, unsure, excited, all the things at once when anything new comes into your life. It’s unease, the unknown, it’s scary when you’re used to the same things and you don’t like change. I hate change unless I’m in charge of it and I know the why and have facts and like can see the vision and know the end goal . Well right now In life I am terrified, giving my self anxiety attacks daily there’s so many big unknown unsure out of my comfort zone my safety net I have worked very fucking hard to build for myself and out of my control things happening that I can’t even breathe. I’ve cried I’ve told myself your allowed to feel these feelings it’s okay you don’t need to be brought. Change is happening even tho I don’t want it to it is. And when one door closes another is supposed to open so we will see how that shit goes won’t we. Or two more close and none open but I guess I’ll deal with it as it comes as I normally do. It’s happening for a reason to me all I’ve ever known is literally changing whether I want it to or not and I have to accept that and learn a new era of me and what I wana do with my life. Open for suggestions tho. Thanks.

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Aries, Slytherin, home owner, cat mom, workaholic, feminist, full of opinions no one wants to hear thats why I made this.