What if you started to say yes to yourself, to do what you actually wanted. to not hold back anymore and just for once do what you want.??? I’m at this point in my life where this is where I want to be and how I want to feel, I am simply going to do whatever the fuck I want and when I want. I’m not going to let others deter me from my goals or let anyone tell me I cant do what I want. lets be clear on something nothing gives you the right to ever tell someone what they can or cannot do, and if thats your mindset then you can fuck off. I have gave a lot of my time and too much energy to not give myself what I want out of life and to people who are fucking draining and who don’t even give a shit. so now its my time in life to be even more selfish with who and what I give my energy, my efforts and my time too. if I want to drive ten hours by myself I will, if I want stay by myself somewhere I will. I’m not going to put my life on hold for someone else who isn’t there for me or who holds me back. this is my time to do what I want to grow as a person to figure out what I even like and what I even want out of life and if it means I’m more selfish along the way to figuring that out then that is just how it is going to be. I’m the type of person who has always done what I wanted and I hear people tell me everyday that I’m crazy for doing stuff on my own, well I am fucking crazy I guess and thats fine. I also hear them say and talk about things they want to do but aren’t or wont do it and all I can think is why the FUUUUCKKKK not? why aren’t you actually doing what you want in life it is your life you get to decide and make decisions for you and fuck I hope you start making some right now that will help grow you as person and to help fuel your soul and make you stop saying no to things and actually start living and saying yes to yourself. I dare you to try it out.

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Aries, Slytherin, home owner, cat mom, workaholic, feminist, full of opinions no one wants to hear thats why I made this.