let me tell you about the last 24 hours and my attempt at a solo camping trip, what a shit show! I booked last minute mid week camping trip on Sunday before my state started to burn up from the fires.well you know how I like to do everything alone well I set up my whole camp all by myself for the first time, took me forever and it was a struggle but I got my brand new 6ft tent up and used my car plug in air pump for my air mattress and set up everything and dragged my 80 pound ice chest to the site. well it was fun for the day and being by the lake but once I was laying there in the dark on my half deflated slanted and sliding down the hill air mattress I realized how alone and vulnerable I was. yes I had pocket knives with me and flashlights but I’ve seen every horror movie and all I thought laying there was someone will slash through the tent and kill me and every noise outside my tent made me realize this. so I started packing up my car and I left, but before I could even leave another story happened. also I had and still have the worst side ache of my life I either pulled a muscle dragging the ice chest or something burst.well I had my car packed its super dark the campground doesn’t have many people there I drive to the gate and both sides are locked I had my knife in one hand and tried opening both sides and nothing so I turn around drive through the park seeing who is awake I asked like three diff people why were locked in and how its illegal for both sides to be open well no one knew or cared so I drove back to the gates and my phone was dead with no service too, on the other side to get in a creepy old guy and his car was parked there trying to come in and he asked me why its locked and if I was trying to leave I said yes I’ve tried the gates there locked and I need to leave I went back to my car and yes I locked it and watched him he went to my gate and idk how but like five mins later he got it opened so I was able to leave. moral of my story be more prepared when camping alone, then I started my hour and a half drive home down back roads in the dark trying not to hit deer, then today I had to drove back to the camp and finish packing up all my stuff and detour everywhere to get back home because the fires have limited the way to and from my house, what a crazy last two days. I made it home still have a side ache from hell and were in an evacuation at any minute bags packed waiting game.
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