Are you feeling unheard? does what you say and feel have no impact? I feel like right now in the world is the time to be heard don’t hold back your voice or how you feel ever. I personally know this super outgoing, strong, inspiring person, a woman and she is in a leadership position at her work and I know she works hard and loves what she does, like most of us hardworking woman. I told her she was someone who inspired me, she said thank you and appreciated it so much because she was felling unheard and un seen. I was like what? you? your an amazing person and lead teams at your work and go above and beyond to bring everyone together and to use your own personal time to create events and find ways to help the community and others. this made me realize so many of your voices and us as as person are not feeling important or even listened too. how many woman date guys who make them feel like less? who don’t actually listen to what we have to say or simply ignore us? and why? why do we do that why do we let anyone make us feel that way? well now is the time to change our ways and take back our voices and be seen and heard and to stand up for our self worth and your opinions matter. I hear you, I see you, I’ve been you sometimes I still am, but this is the time for change more then ever. so shout out how you feel and don’t let any man or woman ignore you or make you feel unimportant ever again.
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