I haven’t been on here in a while, wasn’t feeling inspired much, wasn’t really feeling anything, until recently. maybe I will start to feel again who knows. lots of life changes just happening, goal setting and goal achieving, one at a time. living life like finally living for me, this is what it is like to breath again. to start again, and I dare you to try to stop me. my queen just released a new album literally 40 mins ago and I cant stop crying. today was a good day a day I never thought would happen for me, its been years of me, taken a lot of me to get here, I was exhausted, about to give up, well I didn’t and i’m so glad I didn’t because it hasn’t really felt real yet but I achieved my life long goal. so much good new music released the last few weeks, I so far get to keep my job, someone might make me smile too much, and I get to lead and manage the best salon team ever! I don’t know what comes next, besides I finally get to start this chapter of my life and I am ready.
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