Do I intimidate you? Are men intimidated by women? Is your partner or spouse jealous or afraid or they feel incompetent to you? honestly men should be intimidated by woman. we are better in every sense. were strong and can be beat down but we get back up again every time. do you make more money than your partner? does it bother them or you? don’t let it, you should be proud of the position you are in, in life and at work and in your relationship don’t belittle yourself or make yourself smaller to fit into someone else’s box or to make them feel better about themselves. if your in a higher up position its because you fucking earned it, I guarantee you worked your ass off and didn’t quit to get where you are today, so if anyone is intimidated by you its a good thing. but the topic is, are men intimadted by us? probably that’s why there in bitchy moods when you have something amazing to express to them they feel like less and know deep down you are better than them and thats okay maybe they have a skillset they excel at and we don’t. I have been in relationships and even a plain conversation with men and even other woman that when you bring up life goals or how much money you make or you got to the next level at work you can see it in their faces or hear it in the tone they are uncomfortable and jealous and don’t want to hear you talk about it when all you want to do is scream because your so excited you made your monthly or yearly goal and they didn’t so they become mean about it, just know your better off then they are you strived harder made it happen for yourself and no one can take that away from you. it just means there maturity level and mindset isn’t where yours is there still stuck being childish and haven’t grown yet. so be happy be proud be accomplished with anything you do and let the rest of the world feel intimidated.

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Aries, Slytherin, home owner, cat mom, workaholic, feminist, full of opinions no one wants to hear thats why I made this.