The year has come to an end, finally. its bittersweet. I gained so much but also lost so much. Leason’s learned, achievements earned. I started the year happy, went to Victoria, turned 27, lost my job, lost a relationship, lost myself. then got my job back found myself, found another relationship, paid my car off and also found my house and as its coming to an end in a few hours I still have one more thing to do to end the year right!! I’d say its been a bittersweet year and also an extremely selfish year, but it was necessary and I have learned so much about myself I never even knew, never had the chance before to find out and I like who I am becoming. 2021 isn’t about me anymore. its about growing a strong team of women and growing confidence for them and myself. this new year is about accomplishment and future achievements. no going back to anything less than. I’ve gotten this far in life and I am excited about the future of my salon and my teammates and myself. I am excited for women to rule this year and be stronger then ever. I am excited for something new and inspiring. cheers to new goals!

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Aries, Slytherin, home owner, cat mom, workaholic, feminist, full of opinions no one wants to hear thats why I made this.