let me tell you about my new favorite hobby, fucking house hunting, such a joke. so far the process has been fucking annoying, frustrating and I am drained from it. anything I even like is sold before the day is over. you get your hopes up only to be crushed again and again. first off just to get all the stupid documents you need is a nightmare to send over to your lender in an email, everything has to be scanned in or stupid pdf form. I didn’t even know what that was or how to do it so that took days of my time I didnt have, just to send her all those. then your in limbo for weeks waiting for these underwriters I’ve never met to tell me my worth, what your actually approved for. thanks. and that number is a joke too there isn’t even any houses at that price or less listed. so far I’m only grateful for my agent she is cool and knows how to do her job there is just nothing to go look at. your approval is only good for 90 days so yay mine expires in less than a month and still no house. you put your offer in then get outbid by thirty fucking grand. I don’t have an extra thirty grand but apparently thats what you need to even be considered. no one like the indipendent woman apparently. I work hard I have been saving a long time for this I am ready for my own space, my own home and the market is a fucking joke right now ans its only going to get worse! so anyone trying to move out or find a house good luck dude save save save and don’t actually fall in love with any houses because you will be crushed when your outbid a million times.

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Aries, Slytherin, home owner, cat mom, workaholic, feminist, full of opinions no one wants to hear thats why I made this.