anyone have a savings account? good credit?not live with your mom still or roommates? actually own a car and drive? anyone? just me? cool. maybe I am an asshole but seriously why is this so hard to accomplish in life? maybe people just don’t want these things I don’t know. i’m over one sided relationships and efforts. aka my side. I need people in the same mindset and stage of life as me. if your not i’m sorry but i can only give you life advice I cant make you want to get there, thats on you and im not giving you anymore of my time or energy when its not reciprocated or appreciated. I haven’t been on here in while because ive been busy with life and somewhat happy and didn’t have anything to bitch about well now I do. no one is me I understand that but like am I just drawn to people who dont have anything figured out? that is just not going to work for me and we all know it, that gets old real fast and I get bored and disappointed and move on. this is why I clearly am better off alone doing my own thing and growing for me, you cant grow a one sided relationship.

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Aries, Slytherin, home owner, cat mom, workaholic, feminist, full of opinions no one wants to hear thats why I made this.