my fucking laptop just decided to turn itself off in the middle of me writing this so here it goes again. now I’m pissed off. To do everything alone? yes I agree to doing things alone to get coffee alone to go for a long drive blasting music alone to go for a walk or a hike alone or to go shopping alone. I think doing things by yourself makes you more confident and strong it gives you a powerful feeling. honestly I do about 95% of everything by myself I am perfectly okay with that no part of me wishes I had someone or a group of people with me. I prefer to do things by myself especially on my days off I feel like I’m more accomplished and its my time to think and re set my brain. I have even went to restaurants alone and its totally normal to me. I have woman ask me all day long while at work if I did that hike alone or went for that day trip by myself or if I’m buying my house by myself. my answer is duh, yes why wouldn’t I? they phrase it and their tone of voice is like me being by my confident ass self is a bd thing. here’s the thing ladies, I do not need a man or anyone by my side if you are there its because I want you there not because I need you.ever. I pay my on bills buy my own things support myself and I always have, there is nothing wrong with being fucking independent or having the confidence to walk around town by yourself, I encourage you to try it maybe you will grow some confidence too. in my career field I have woman all day say to me there afraid there husbands won’t like there hair or I can’t do that my husband would kill me” so let him who gives a shit what his opinion is or why he cares, you wear it its your hair your time your look do it for you not him and I bet if you did you’d leave feeling empowered instead of weak and worrying about his stupid ass opinion of you and your hair. I personally feel most confident on a walk or a car ride by myself its my time to do what I want be strong or not to be to feel to think its my space no one is there to ruin it for me my brain gets time to process my week and I come back re charged and ready for anything. I dare you to take a day and hour a weekend trip anything grab a coffee listen to music go walk by yourself(safely) for an hour and see how you feel and I want to know about it!
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